Sunday, December 25, 2011

June 2011

June18,2011 002
Chickens sure do love goats!  Not sure if the goats really like the chickens, but they tolerate them, never harm them, and we've even seen them chase a hawk off once that was heading for the chickens, so maybe they do like chickens!.
June19, 2011 004
Gandalf the buck sure does love those two doelings, Flicker and Wren.  Another lazy day in the barnyard.
June 15,2011 015
Jeanne, determined to have lots of strawberries, planted over 150 strawberry plants planted in two beds.  Go berries!
June 15,2011 022
40 tomato seedlings planted in several beds, all raised in our greenhouse in 4” soil blocks.  Unfortunately, all damaged by a late, light frost two nights later.  Maybe not enough hardening off?  Maybe we should have waited another week?  Live and learn!
June 15,2011 024
It’s getting greener and greener here.  Definitely a late spring this year, probably two weeks behind normal.

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