Sunday, December 15, 2013

March 2013

Linc joined a group of Paonian permaculture enthusiasts on a day trip to the Colorado Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute in Basalt, Colorado.  Here, Jerome Ostentowski and his crew of enthusiastic interns are growing an amazing array of greens, veggies and fruit in forest gardens inside greenhouses tempered by ingenious heat storage systems.  Here, some of the group negotiates its way through a banana grove, in Colorado, at 8000' above sea level...  A great cure for the winter blahs.
 In our own greenhouse, we were enjoying the warm spring sun on cold days, drying the last of the apples from the root cellar, starting new seeds in the beds, and, in the photo below, building a fodder rack and sprouting barley seeds into green barley grass for the goats and chickens to munch on.

 Jeanne placed an add in the local want ads, looking for a cream separator, and was surprised to be given one that just needed a little attention to work again.  Since it arrived, she's made cream at least once a week, and used that to make sour cream, butter, ice cream, buttermilk, and leftover skim milk for the chickens.
We dug the last of the sugar (mangel) beets out of the garden.  They run big!
 Linc took an old camper that we'd been given, gutted it, added roost bars, a roost ladder, and nesting boxes to make a mobile coop.

 He also made a brooder box for up to four hens to hatch and raise chicks in.

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