Sunday, January 24, 2016

March 2015

Looking at photos and our farm journal, it looks like we spent much of March working on the garden fence, family financial stuff for Linc's mother's estate, reseeding and re-mineralizing pastures, adding amendemnts to the garden, but we also had some fun outings, more than normal for us.
The first photo is of Ryan's tractor with disk on the back.  Linc added an old stock tank that he filled with rocks to try and give the disk enough weight to cut the sod.  This still didn't work, even though the ground wasn't frozen, so he used a two-gang moldboard plow to till a section of one paddock, then disked it, then seeded it, then harrowed it with the disk.

Early in the month, friends took care of our farm so that we could do a wedding anniversary ski vacation.  We traveled down to Red Mountain Pass, skinned up above tree line and skied some wind slab.  The views were outstanding, even if the snow and abundance of snowmobiles was not.  Linc had fun on some wide Black Diamond skis he'd picked up at a Flagstaff thrift store, but Jeanne's older style narrow skis, her engagement present, kept breaking through on turns.  We went out for dinner in Ouray and spent the night relaxing in the hot springs at Orvis, and car camping in the Prius (yes, it sleeps two short people just fine).  We must have forgotten the camera for this trip, no photos.  Just as well, Orvis allows nudity.

At the end of the month, we got another trip in.   This time, Jeanne picked the trip - no wind slab skiing for her.  She opted for a backpack down into Gunnison Gorge.  It was beautiful.  And the trailhead was maybe 30 miles from home.  If you click on the image to blow it up, you'll see a set of switchbacks in the trail, with Jeanne standing at one corner.

Our tent site on the river.

Another view of the gorge during our climb back out.

We stopped for a visit to a former hermit's homestead about halfway back up out of Gunnison Gorge.  Linc had to check out the open air latrine, perched so that the "product" would end up in a gully that would periodically flash flood and flush everything into the Gunnison River, just like the fancy porcelain flush toilets that most civilized folks use.

The hermit's cabin.  He had a nice, fairly sheltered spot.

Can't go desert canyon backpacking and not come home with at least one collared lizard photo.

On to April.

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