Friday, March 4, 2016

December 2015

Linc had a great drive down to Flagstaff, high on coffee, enjoying the views of the desert and mountains.  Here's a shot through the windshield of Church Rock, north of Kayenta, AZ, in the Navajo reservation.

Gretchen's arrival home was very emotional, partially because she had just had surgery on her left eye, had the bandage removed that morning, and found that she could see again, for the first time in something like six weeks.  We were all ecstatic.  None of us could believe that here she was, walking around her house, talking, (and making sense!) and joking with us.  It's hard to describe what's it's like to have someone leave, possibly for good, and then return.  Not that hard to describe actually - it feels GREAT!  Strangely, none of us thought to take photos, sorry!

Back home, the ducks and chickens worked over the harvested garden, cleaning up the last of those tasty slugs, pill bugs and squash beetles.  Go birds go!

Snow arrived, a little at first...

Then a lot!  This was the most snow we've seen since arriving here six years ago, and the locals say it's never been this cold and snowy here in their memory.

Happily, the greens in the hoophouse kept growing.  What a nice feeling to be able to go out through the snow and harvest salad greens!

The wood fired cookstove in the cabin got lots of use this month, but on sunny days it was warm enough in the cabin with the solar greenhouse that we'd heat up our mid-day soup outside on the propane cookstove, if we could find it...

As I write this, three months into 2016, I think, "Wow, what a crazy year 2015 was!  I wonder what the rest of 2016 will be like?  Maybe this year I'll start doing monthly blog entries so I don't end up trying to enter an entire year's worth of photos and memories at the same time....

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