Wednesday, February 15, 2017

August 2016

Busy month, as we worked to get the green home renovation project done in time for people wanting to move in at the beginning of September.  Here are some before and after photos of the inside.  We repainted all walls and ceilings, stripped out all the old grungy linoleum, carpet and fake wood flooring, replaced several windows, replaced the leaking boiler and water heater with a high efficiency wall mount combination boiler and solar hot water system, blew another 10" of cellulose insulation into the attic, replaced all of the crumbling kitchen cabinets, and I forget what else.  The outside still needs work.  The photo above is the living room before we started.

Living room after.

Kitchen south view before

Kitchen south view after

Kitchen north view before.

Kitchen north view after, complete with Linc's idea of the ultimate heating and cooking appliance at the time, a Pioneer Maid wood cookstove.

Main bath before (I need a wide angle lens I think)

Main bath after

Boiler/laundry room before

Boiler/laundry after (well, trust me, there's a washer and dryer here somewhere out of view).

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