Friday, December 26, 2014

January 2014

 Thinking wisely that we should eat what we grew, we continued eating potatoes at a furious rate (well, they tasted good too), along with the usual eggs, kimchi, homemade ketchup, etc.  They usually found their way into breakfast and supper, and if there was soup, for lunch.  Late in the month, we finished off the last of the 400-something lbs that we'd harvested last fall, minus whatever had been given away, and the 80 lbs saved for seed potatoes.  This year, we'll aim for twice that!
 Linc finally got time to pursue his interest in electric-human hybrid transportation, buying a mid-drive electric motor kit that allowed him to pedal up hills pulling a trailer, feeling like Superman.  The motor was operated from a handlebar twist throttle, and a Lithium phosphate battery rode in a rear pannier.  A small charger came with the battery, allowing charging off of our home solar electric system.  The kit was a blast, but cheap.  The motor mount twisted, chain fell off regularly, and it smelled like it was burning out almost from the first day he rode it.  And, he was hooked.
With snow on the ground again up higher, we did our best to get out for the occasional quick ski tour up Tower Hill.  The snow was always good, with the trail head located perhaps 6 miles, and 3000 feet or so higher than home.

Linc received some engineering work to do from home, and Jeanne was hired to do physical therapy work at the local senior center 2 days/week, a dream job for her, being less than 2 miles from the farm, close enough to zip home at lunch if need be to check on the goats and chickens.

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