Wednesday, December 31, 2014

May 2014

 This month, Jeanne went off on a 9 day Vision Quest in the desert with a group of girlfriends.  Here's what she looked like after spending 3 of those days sitting by herself on a rock out in the wind (and it was really windy) and sun without a tent, no food, a jug of water.  She has this "grounded" look to her, I think.
 Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Linc ran around like the proverbial headless chicken, milking chickens, collecting goat eggs, prepping garden beds, planting potatoes, going for bike rides with a friend, work sharing with neighbor Dev (we'd work for a few hours together on my projects, then go over and work for a few hours on his), doing some HVAC load calc work for a friend, etc.  The garden bed prep this year involved loosening weeds in beds and paths with a sharp shovel blade, shoveling weeds from paths onto the beds then covering that with topsoil from the paths, then adding hay mulch to beds and wood chip mulch to paths, then reinstalling drip hose.  Still a lot of work.  Gotta be a better way...
 The goats didn't know what to make of Linc as he went tearing around the homestead trying to do the work of two people, looking a little frazzled due to sleeping 5 hours/night. 

Finally, Jeanne came home!  Welcome home, Jeanne, how was your trip, great, now help me plant all of this chard, kale, beets, lettuce, corn, beans, the rest of these potatoes, and, oh, can you separate out some cream, churn some butter, and make some cheese, cause there's about six gallons of milk in the fridge...
And, we bought a web cam so that we could enjoy dinner time Skype webcam calls with Linc's mother, calling from the laundry room/office of the assisted living home that she shares with a family (the owners) and two other elderly residents.  She frequently enjoyed telling us her favorite joke, "There was one smart fella and he felt smart, two smart fellas and they felt smart, three fart smellas and they smelt...oops!"

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