Monday, February 19, 2018

February 2017

A fairly normal February for us.  Jeanne continued to make delicious hard cheeses from our goats' milk and gradually filled a shelf in the new root cellar with them.  Linc strained his back badly enough to require a few days of being a man-baby, moaning and groaning as he hobbled around our tiny cabin, which drove Jeanne slightly crazy - luckily her goats were always willing to listen and things improved after a few days.  After the back improved, Linc spent nearly all of his days down the road at the new rental property, tearing out old flooring, repainting, replacing a moldy subfloor in a bathroom, and repairing the boiler plant (new circulator, zone valves, boiler controller and a tune up).  Once he had a warm place to work, he brought the seized injection pump from our 1988 VW Jetta diesel veggie oil car down there and rebuilt it (not reinstalled in the car yet to test, as of Feb 2018).

Wonderful Goat Cheeses!

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