Monday, February 19, 2018

July 2017

Let's see, what happened in July?  We continued focusing on getting that future rental house renovated, excavating for basement egress windows, cutting out the concrete walls, building window wells, installing windows, and so on.  We went for lots of short hikes together up to the pass behind our cabin for exercise, Jeanne walked with friends, Linc mountain biked on some Sunday mornings with a local group, and the new goat kids got their adventure legs and went on walks with Jeanne and the big goats.  The pasture responded really well to the new gun sprinkler irrigation, along with fertigation with raw milk, as well as microbial and fungal inoculants.  We had enough growth that we were able to cut and bale around 40 bales for first cutting.  Here's a photo of the three kids on a walk.  Pretty cute!

 And most of the herd (Eggplant not in photo) loving the results of water and inoculants.

Oh, and on July 16th, we had a hail storm that seriously shredded the garden.  Everything was just starting to recover from the June 13th frost damage and WHAMMO, set back again!  Hard year for the garden!

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