Monday, February 19, 2018

January 2017

According to Jeanne's weather journal, January brought us 39.5" of snow down here in the valley, much more up in the high country.  Great for skiing and for the coming irrigation season.  Looking back at our farm journal (as I type this in February 2018), Linc's knee recovered slowly from his December mountain bike crash, he fixed up and sold our former U-Haul moving truck, we sold our rental property in Delta, purchased a fixer upper to replace it a mile down the road here in Paonia, replaced our 8 year old laptop computer with a new used Dell, and did a lot of cross country and backcountry skiing (and edited and posted the 2016 Frugalbundance Farm Blog).

On one of our outings up TV Hill (now closed by new owner ☹), Linc discovered he'd forgotten his poles (second time in 2 years, getting old!).  All we could find in the car was a broken broom, but that and an avalanche probe pole were enough to save him from a 14 mile round trip drive to get his poles at home.  A photo and link to a video from that outing below...

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